Friday, January 21, 2011

Cosmos Chaos

The name of the game is Cosmos Chaos. Nintendo DS. Ages 8 to 12. Probably would be fun for the kids around those ages. Vocabulary questions. The game was probably also created by Flash just like our games were.

January 21, 2011

I think the most difficult thing in this class was probably making the game, cause you had alot of codes and drawing to do and make sure everything worked so that your presentation and your game will look good. I enjoyed the classmates and teacher the most. Well this was the first class I ever had to do a presentation infront of people even people on the phone so it was new to me. The skill I could use in the future now is know how to use Flash.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Finding Solutions

I would have worked on my game during the break but my computer sadly wouldn't accept Flash I don't really know why, but if it could've, I would've worked on my game when I had time.  I was also a little busy during that break so I didn't really have time to even get on the computer.  

My biggest fear in talking during the presentation, was making sure that I don't get tongue tied and hopefully that would understand what I was talking about. What I would like to do different was talk more during the presentation.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Intergrating Code

Being a producer is kinda hard in my situation, cause I have to mostly come up with mostly all of the ideas for the game, but I don't want it to count on just me, I want my whole team to help me with this project to make our game awesome. I try to make sure that our game looks ok with everyone else and our teacher and make sure that the amination looks fine and our codes work great.

Pseudocode and Commented Code

My Game Idea is called The Electric Tower. Lightening strikes the tower. You use your mouse to click on the right answer in the clouds. One cloud will have the right answer, the other will have the wrong answer. When you click on the right cloud, lightening strikes the tower, if you click on the wrong cloud, nothing happens you just have to start all over on that level. 

Friday, December 24, 2010

Presenting Demo

My Presentation   My Biggest fear was probably making sure that everyone can understand what I am talking about and hoping to not mess up. Probably talk more cause Robbie was talking alot more then I was.